Thursday, July 17, 2008

The message behind MSN's Instant Message (IM) Status!

No doubt, nowadays, MSN's personal status has become very common to express what we are thinking at the moment. Although MSN's status has common messages, easy to select like "busy", "out to lunch", people usually prefer to have their own status. I believe, people like to keep a unique message to get others' attention or express one's feeling through such indirect means. Some succeed to get attention while some fail. Some find it noteworthy and respond to it while some ignore it. Many times, I came across to some messages in the status that has been unique to me which I find it something worth to discuss.

It was sometime ago when I logged into my MSN, my friend popped "online" with a message "world without strangers!". Though I preferred not to pay much attention to these MSN status, I could not help myself thinking for quite a moment about the world without strangers. It was already late for office that day and I had to finish some job which was pending for quite some time but that message made me helplessly roaming into the world. I shrugged myself and ended it when I felt myself as a complete stranger. In an instance, I had imagined the world without me as well. I had spent quite some time thinking why he had kept that stupid message that ruined my precious morning time. Also for a while, I had also thought, better would have been, if the message was "World with strangers". May be that was too common that he didn't like it.

I usually keep off all the alerts so as not to distract me from my work. But these MSN status when they are unique and eye catching, I can't keep myself aloof.

It was my status "dheba dunsa naymakhanpi mahangar basi" (it is in newari language with the meaning "Even though people have money, they are not able to arrange their food"). It was not my creation; I had copied it from's coverage on the scarcity of food and other essential commodities during political crisis in Kathmandu. It was written in some banners kept in some vantage points at Ason, Kathmandu. I thought it was worth to keep that message as it was expressing how the people living in Kathmandu were going through. Probably it was unique for me and I had liked it to keep it as well. This was the message which got so much of responses that I ever got from the day I logged on to MSN. Some friends were asking what that message was. It was in roman alphabet and all could read it but only a newar would understand it. I was busy replying all the responses to have a look at And it was the moment that I probably would never forget, when I got a response from someone who rarely chats. From the way she wrote, I could hear her laughter aloud and the aching, she had, reading the message again and again. Before that moment, I didn't know that a status in MSN could be so powerful that would bring people so close for a moment no matter how they were apart.

"Sky has no limit". It was the message that one of my good friends had kept. She had that status for quite some time. Surely it was a unique message and I found it quite decent one. Reading the message, I asked myself why sky had had not a limit. Probably it was the time when I was empty handed. Probably it was because "Empty mind is devil's workshop!", I rewrote the message and ended with "Even sky has a limit". Now it has completely different message and of course, a unique in itself. This message became my favorite message in the MSN status for quite some time.

"Time only seems to matter when it is running out". It was the message of one of my good friends. If I remembered it correctly she had kept this message since she stepped in US. It has been probably more than 10 years but still the message looks quite young and unique. I never felt it hackneyed enough and she never changed it either. Interestingly, she still has that message in her personal status in MSN.

I will post it again, if I come across any unique MSN status! Also watch out! I am watching your MSN status too! Till then have a good time!

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