Saturday, April 5, 2008

Is this world a real?

The world that we see, we feel, we this real? No doubt, you would surely ponder on this question if you had watched the movie called "Matrix". I had watched it a long time back probably in 2002/03. I had enjoyed so much watching the movie that I repeatedly watched it for at least 3 times. I had tried my best to understand the real sense it meant during the repetition rather than enjoying the film. No doubt, it was a science fiction movie with full of animations. Probably for the first time, it had showed the animated slow motion of a bullet hitting a target. I saw such animation in several other movies later. In the movie, in several instances, it had mentioned that we had been brought up with an understanding about our surroundings such as physical structures for e.g., a wall was a solid structure, impenetrable; a fire that might burn when one would touch it; one would need an immense power to alter a solid structure; one might fall from a height because of mysterious power of gravity that the Earth possessed;. Here, I am not trying to challenge Newton's finding rather tried to raise eyebrows on the issue! You will understand what I mean once you browse the following section.

We humans are so smart and so intelligent that we can imagine the things, visualize those things even when we are given just a picture/concept of these! We are so intelligent and possess a natural power that we can accurately imagine it; for e.g., if it is a picture of place or city, we can locate it easily with the help of a map. Of course, one can easily browse through the map and come to the right location one wants using the map. Now if I say a map is a part of a program where we are asked to play a role of characters that are allowed to follow the program. Obviously, if we do not follow the program, then either we will not find the place or we would be given a penalty which may sometimes lead to an accident. For e.g., what if one tries to violate the rule of the program by flying/jumping from one building to another! It is obvious that it will result to non other than a fatal accident as normally we find ‘a fatal error’ when we violate rules of a program.

Back to the movie "Matrix" - if we carefully watch the movie, it has introduced a character called "Oracle" and it has introduced it as someone (here also I have difficulty to use proper word for such character with the present world I am programmed for) who knows about future and clearly, it has tried to give a message that there is always an option before the Future starts and the Future depends upon which course of action one wants to take. I must say, the movie has chosen an appropriate name for the character as we know "Oracle" is a name of very powerful software developed for database management. The main character in the movie starts playing with the program and gets the help from 'Oracle' in order to decode the Future in the program called the 'World'. In the movie it has tried to show that the world that we are in is nothing but merely a programmed world.

Now forget about how we were brought up and keep ourselves completely aside - imagine that we are out of this world and start watching what is happening in this world. I feel that the world is merely a thing that IT geeks usually would like to call it as a program and it is given a name "The World". The question who has programmed it, who are the mastermind behind it? The answer to which is still a subject of a research. First are you ready to accept it that the world you are living is not real but a program? Do you believe, if I say you are programmed in such a way that you are required to believe that this world is real. From the day you took your birth, you have been given enough notions that how the world would look like as you are taught how to talk, how to communicate the words. Your mind is filled up with so many components of this world that, you will take the components as granted and probably you never felt if that was true or not. Probably you are taught in such a way that you may never wonder if you belong to this world or another and you will never escape out of it. Whatever you try, wherever you go, however you do, you are in a program of which somebody else has a remote control. Now who is that fellow with a remote control? Probably this is a question that is tried by many religions on their own versions which now and then is a readily debatable issue.

If you go through several historic literatures (I don't know should I state these as literatures!) for e.g., Mahabharat you would learn that there is a mysterious but dubious character Krishna, about whom there are several myths. In certain parts, we were reminded in many instances that the character possessed a superpower enough to reprogram the whole story if he wanted. In many instances of Mahabharat, the Krishna had kept on reminding the other characters that the happenings which were already programmed, one would not be able to alter, no matter what. Further, the happenings were meant for some reasons, which were already programmed. 'The Geeta' with which, the Krishna had persuaded the Arjun for the war in the Kuruchettra in the Mahabharat was a good example. 'The Geeta' he was referring to, what in the modern world, we might call it non other than a program! I know one can easily debate this argument!

Sometimes, we say, things are not in our control. Something other than what we have planned, happens. Now the question is, how could this happen? We call ourselves as the most intelligent creature in the Earth, then why we cannot plan and make the things happen as per the plan. That means, we are just trying to mess up with something which is already programmed by someone else (I am not trying to point it here as human as I don't know how to address here because of the program I am in). We are so proud to have so many human inventions but if one looks back, then we find that inventions like 'Pushpak Biman' a flying machine is used so many ages back. If such machines were already there in ages, in history, why we were having it after so many years again. Is not this something like a program where you are required to follow the Time for any such inventions. I know we are programmed to understand by heart “Time does not wait”. We usually see it happen in 'video games', where we earn something after we complete certain stages. If this is not the case then, with the World's full of intelligent creatures, why we are required to wait for a 'Time' for such invention. If we as, a normal human being, know only the Present and live in the Present, then why there is the Future and also why the 'Past' exists? Why we are made to understand the Past as a time that we have spent and why we are required to memorize by heart that the Future is a time that is yet to come. Why we always get excited to know about future even though we don't know whether so called the Future exists.

Now one would be wondering then who we are and in real, how would we look like. This is a very important question that a mankind has been researching for quite a long time. I am not sure but I believe the enlightened people, to name a few, the Buddha, Rajanis, Jesus, might know an answer to this. But the movie has ironically simplified the complicated description of a mankind by comparing it with batteries. Discharging and recharging process of a mankind is compared with the processes done in the batteries. It has tried to show that the mankind is an energy that requires charging and when it gets discharged, it is required to be recharged. Here, I am failed to understand the correct explanation about the origination of the charge. Two ways: probably it is either the sun that keeps charging the man-kind or every mankind has a constant charge which either gets discharged or recharged with our activities and the addition of charge mainly comes from energy possessed by other man-kind. So, in the program (I am here referring to the program outside of the 'World'), man-kind possess a strategic balance of energy among themselves and they neither gets created neither gets destroyed. This has nothing to do with the current world which is a program.

Let us argue it with happiness that a human always runs after. The definition of the happiness is different for different people. People at different stages of life would explain happiness differently. I strongly believe that unless and until we do not understand who we are, we may not know what the happiness is. The happiness one would define without awareness, probably, would be a false definition. If this is not the case, then why the meaning of happiness differs widely among us, why even for same human, it has so many definitions during its period of life. I strongly believe that the simple answer to this is because one passes different stages during his life. The different stages of life have different values, responsibilities, norms and one would learn these as he reaches to these stages. The happiness one would have expected might not be the one when one reaches to other stages of life. Now you would be wondering why I am talking about happiness here and how this is linked to the World here. I believe that the true happiness for a human has nothing to do with the programmed World. But the World has programmed so many magic components that we find ourselves running after the false happiness every now and then. Such happiness usually is based on the physical achievement of the components that the programmed world has. One would find that the happiness he has successfully achieved in true sense apparently starts diminishing its glow after it is achieved. If this is not the case, then why a human is not content from what it has. Rather why a human always runs after the happiness. Probably because we are in the programmed world and we take its programmed offer to fulfill our quench for happiness but ultimately we realize it to be non-other than a hoax when we achieve it. I argue here that it is because the offer we took in the World is not a real one but appears to be a programmed one.

Here, I have tried to raise this issue and I know that one can easily debate on it as these issues are argued without any evidences. But being in this programmed world, even though if there are any evidences, then how one can say those are true since one is living inside this programmed world. But before debating or commenting on this issue, it would be highly beneficial if one can try to free oneself entirely from the World and try to think as a human-being in the region outside of this programmed world. If this is not the case, then there is ample space that one can easily doubt your comment/debate as you are debating being a part of this programmed world! Think about it!

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